RecordingsTelemann: Concerto in D Major & SuitenTelemann/1994 | Deutsche GrammophonListen on SpotifyListen on Apple MusicPurchase this RecordingAbout This RecordingCatalogue Number: 4864293Release Date: 01/01/1994Included WorksConcerto for three trumpets and timpani in D major TWV 54:D3 (Darmstadt) Suite in G Minor (Darmstadt) TWV 55: g4 Suite in D major TWV 55: D1Featured ArtistsTrevor PinnockHarpsichord,Music Director/Our MusiciansKeep ListeningThe People Shall Hear! (Great Handel Choruses)Listen NowTrevor Pinnock – A Grand Concert Of MusickListen NowVivaldi – Concerti ‘con molti strumenti’Listen NowDiscover More:Our RecordingsGet Involved?