RecordingsBach, J S: Brandenburg Concerto No. 4 in G major BWV1049, etc.Bach (J.S.)/2003 |Â DG ArchivListen on SpotifyListen on Apple MusicPurchase this RecordingAbout This RecordingCatalogue Number: E4742202Release Date: 26/05/2003Included WorksBrandenburg Concerto No. 4 in G major BWV 1049 Brandenburg Concerto No. 5 in D major BWV 1050 Brandenburg Concerto No. 6 in B-flat BWV 1051 Triple concerto in A minor for flute violin and harpsichord BWV 1044Featured ArtistsLisa BeznosiukFlute/Simon StandageTrevor PinnockHarpsichord,Music Director/Our MusiciansKeep ListeningThe People Shall Hear! (Great Handel Choruses)Listen NowTrevor Pinnock – A Grand Concert Of MusickListen NowVivaldi – Concerti ‘con molti strumenti’Listen NowDiscover More:Our RecordingsGet Involved?