Katrin Lazar is a German bassoonist, born in London of American and German parentage and grew up in Munich.
She studied recorder with Prof. Michael Schneider and historical bassoon with Christian Beuse at the Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst, Frankfurt am Main. With a DAAD scholarship Katrin was able to specialize even further in historical performance practice at the Koninklijk Conservatorium, the Hague, NL. In 2004, Katrin was chosen to join the EUBO (European Union Baroque Orchestra).
Katrin is a member of The English Concert, of Il Pomo d’Oro, Hofkapelle München, Barocksolisten München. She also works regularly with early music groups such as Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin, Bachakademie Stuttgart, Balthasar-Neumann-Ensemble and Collegium 1704.
Concert tours take her all over Europe and in many parts of the world, such as the US, Japan, South Korea, China, Taiwan, Argentina, Brazil, Columbia, Canada, Mexico, Russia, Bahrain, and Abu Dhabi.
Her musical versatility is documented on various recordings.
2013-2018 Katrin held the teaching position for historical bassoon at the University of Music in Trossingen. At present, she teaches at the University of Music in Munich and in Frankfurt and in Vienna at the MUK (Musik und Kunst Privatuniversität).