With just hours to go, the Big Give Christmas Challenge 2018 goes live at midday tomorrow (27th November).

Past appeals have always featured exciting new enterprises such as our staged Messiah or collaboration with New English Ballet Theatre and this year we are equally ambitious as we seek to raise £40,000 towards our new creation Dido & Aeneas: The Untold Story.

Purcell’s masterpiece joins the hero Aeneas at the end of his journey, shipwrecked on the shores of mighty Carthage before his ill-fated romance with Queen Dido. But what of his exodus from Troy escaping the Greek invasion, his search for refuge, or his destiny to found Rome?

We seek to commission a new work charting Aeneas’ epic voyage to compliment Purcell’s much-loved original.

Between midday 27th November and midday 4th December, you will have the chance to contribute towards this exciting project through online donations at the Big Give homepage. During this window, all of your donations will be doubled by the Big Give (for as long as matching funds last), giving them even more weight as we drive towards our target.

Without your continued support, and amidst the continuing uncertainty that surrounds arts funding, so much of our work would not be possible. But it is testament to the continuing generosity of our Friends and Patrons that The English Concert remains at the forefront of the musical world, ever present in the finest concert halls, and forever forging ahead with ambitious new productions and collaborations. For this we are eternally grateful.

If you believe that our work is important and is something that needs to be preserved, please join us for this year’s Christmas Challenge.

Big Give Christmas Challenge Homepage

Keep Reading
“Bach’s holiness has its wild, rough and earthy side: her punk virtuosity with this most untameable of brass beasts made it thrillingly audible” “…singers and players alike glowed, gripped and soared. In the right hands, and voices, Bach’s great farewell portmanteau can always sound, and feel, freshly-made” The Arts Desk
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