When, where and what did you play the first time with the English Concert?
2016 November in Ferrara
Handel: Orlando
What has been your most memorable TEC concert and why?
Handel: Ariodante in Carnegie Hall
It was one of those performances when everything come together. Great music, brilliant cast, amazing hall, inspiring atmosphere. Everyone on stage was on fire which created an unstoppable momentum. The venue and the very enthusiastic audience was very inspiring so everyone was giving their best.
Joyce’s ‘Scherza infida’ with Alberto’s bassoon solo was an unforgettable highlight.
What’s one of your favourite pieces of music and why?
Goldberg Variations
Because it is just yours every time
Dream Theater: Scenes from a memory – A journey into the deepest corners of one’s soul
Do you have a secret interest or hobby that would surprise people?
Hiking and my love of mountains is not a very big secret. Having grown up in a landlocked country might make my fascination with marine animals a bit more surprising. I would love to swim with rays one day!