RecordingsMozart – Night MusicMozart/2003 | Harmonia MundiListen on SpotifyListen on Apple MusicPurchase this RecordingAbout This RecordingCatalogue Number: HMU907280Release Date: 11/08/2003Included WorksEine kleine Nachtmusik / A Little Night Music Serenade no. 13 / K.525 Adagio and Fugue in C minor K.546 Serenade in D major K.239 – ‘Serenata Notturna’ Ein musikalischer Spass K.522 Menuet in C major K.485aFeatured ArtistsAndrew ManzeOur MusiciansKeep ListeningThe People Shall Hear! (Great Handel Choruses)Listen NowTrevor Pinnock – A Grand Concert Of MusickListen NowVivaldi – Concerti ‘con molti strumenti’Listen NowDiscover More:Our RecordingsGet Involved?