Bach’s Mass in B minor

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The English Concert returns to St Martin-in-the-Fields under the direction of Principal Guest Director Kristian Bezuidenhout to perform Bach’s Mass in B minor.

In all of choral music, there’s no summit mightier than Johann Sebastian Bach’s tremendous B Minor Mass. But few masterpieces reward the effort more gloriously, and few ensembles are better-equipped to approach it than the pioneering early music ensemble The English Concert. This transcendent music has been central to their artistic mission for over half a century, but every performance is still an adventure, and today that mighty journey is led by their principal guest director Kristian Bezuidenhout – described by The Guardian as “this most characterful of keyboard personalities”. Be in no doubt though: tonight, Bach will come first.


Bach Mass in B minor BWV 232

Featured Artists

Kristian Bezuidenhout director, harpsichord
Isabel Schicketanz, Joana Songi soprano
Lucile Richardot alto
Samuel Boden tenor
Florian Störtz bass


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